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Ingredients for ProstaKare

Prostate Health Supplement- ProstaKare

Saw Palmetto

Saw palmetto is a medicinal plant best known for its use in combating several types of prostate issues. It is the ripe fruit of the plant that has its medicinal qualities. The fruit of the saw palmetto plant has been used for some time to treat the condition of enlarged prostate and several types of prostate disease or infection including prostate cancer. Saw palmetto also is used to treat colds, bronchitis, migraine headaches and other conditions with inflammatory symptoms. Other uses include its ability to act as a diuretic, a mild sedative and even an aphrodisiac. 

How It Works

The perpetual mystery of many alternative prostate cancer treatments and even those that come from the ethical medicine industry is that whether they work or not often is a judgment call. There are few natural or synthetic formulations that researchers know precisely how they work. In the case of saw palmetto, we know that it does not reduce prostate size where benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) – enlarged prostate – is present. What it does seem to do is to diminish the prostate’s inner lining to reduce pressure on the structures that carry urine outside the body. Such pressure reduction also serves to increase the individual’s comfort and improve his quality of life.


Some studies indicate that saw palmetto is a useful supplement in guarding against prostate cancer but others conclude that it likely is not effective at all. As is the case with so many other natural substances, it is left to the individual to decide whether he will take saw palmetto supplements on a regular basis. To date, there is insufficient evidence that saw palmetto has any effect on prostate cancer, either in treatment or prevention. There is no indication that it is harmful in any way, however.

Why It May Be Effective against Prostate Cancer

If saw palmetto is effective against prostate cancer, the benefit may come from anti-inflammatory properties of the saw palmetto fruit. Virtually all of the conditions that some have claimed saw palmetto to be useful for – colds, sore throat, migraines, reducing post-surgical bleeding and others – have an inflammatory factor that the saw palmetto may combat.


Beta-sitosterol is a phytochemical – a chemical found in plants – that chemists refer to as a “plant sterol ester” or phytosterol, a sterol that originates in plants. Beta-sitosterol is found in some vegetables, fruits, seeds and nuts. It often is found in higher concentrations in legumes, which is a class of plants that produce beans or bean-like structures. Interestingly, it also is found in saw palmetto.

Beta-sitosterol commonly is used to treat high cholesterol and heart disease as well as for enhancing the immune system. It has been used to prevent colon cancer and to treat gallstones, cold and flu, tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS, psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis, allergies, fibromyalgia, cervical cancer, systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), hair loss, asthma, bronchitis, chronic fatigue syndrome and even migraine headaches. Marathon runners have used it to reduce swelling and pain and some use it topically to treat minor wounds and burns. Some men also use beta-sitosterol to help treat an enlarged prostate condition.

How It Works

Beta-sitosterol’s chemical structure is similar to that of cholesterol. Note the “sterol” portion of the name of each substance. Because its structure is so similar to that of dietary cholesterol, it may be that cholesterol receptors in the body favor the beta-sitosterol molecule over that of dietary cholesterol. It appears to compete with dietary cholesterol and not allow as much dietary cholesterol to accumulate in the body. There is evidence that beta-sitosterol binds to the prostate to help reduce inflammation and the swelling it causes. Several of the conditions that beta-sitosterol is used for either result from inflammation or cause it to increase in the body. Beta-sitosterol’s ability to reduce swelling and inflammation would explain its usefulness in such a wide range of conditions as those listed above.


Beta-sitosterol’s ability to reduce cholesterol is so well established that the federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA) allows food manufacturers to add it to some of their products and then claim that those products are useful in cholesterol-lowering diets and will help to prevent coronary heart disease (CHD). There is much evidence that using beta-sitosterol does indeed result in lower cholesterol levels but there is no proof that it directly lowers the risk of developing heart disease. That part of the FDA-approved statement appears to be based on the assumption that lower cholesterol translates to reduced risk of heart disease. Beta-sitosterol lowers total cholesterol and “bad” low density cholesterol but does not appear to increase “good” high density cholesterol.

Enlarged Prostate Symptoms
One of the symptoms of enlarged prostate (benign prostatic hyperplasia or BPH) is trouble urinating. Beta-sitosterol does not appear to have any effect on actually shrinking an enlarged prostate, but it has been shown to greatly ease the symptoms.

Research indicates that beta-sitosterol possibly is effective in treating tuberculosis. Other research labels it as “possibly ineffective” for the same condition.

Other Conditions
There is insufficient empirical evidence in other areas to say whether beta-sitosterol is effective or not. Individuals relying on beta-sitosterol alone to prevent colon cancer or treat allergies may or may not achieve gratifying results.

Why It May Be Effective against Prostate Cancer

Those convinced that beta-sitosterol is effective against prostate cancer may soon be rewarded with some research support. Research into phytosterols in general – not just beta-sitosterol – indicates that as a class, phytosterols may well have anticarcinogenic properties that do indeed either attack young cancers or prevent them from forming. Researchers have seen anticarcinogenic effects but do not understand what causes those effects. The thinking at present is that phytosterols may act on hormonal and immune systems or even actively attack tumors. Research on beta-sitosterol at high concentrations has shown significant inhibition of the growth of PC-3 prostate cancer cells.


Lycopene is a carotenoid, which is a class of naturally occurring plant pigments that give fruits and vegetables varying shades of red and orange colors. The similarity between the pigment’s name, carotenoid, and the carrot is not coincidental. Tomatoes and tomato products contain high levels of lycopene and in North America are responsible for about 85 percent of the dietary lycopene that individuals consume. Unlike most other nutrients that are healthiest when raw, lycopene is changed by heat to a form that is more absorbable than the raw form and is easier for the body to use. Tomato juice, tomato sauce, tomato paste and other cooked forms of tomatoes are excellent sources of dietary lycopene. Lycopene supplements are useful and contain a form of lycopene that is nearly as easy for the body to use as that found in cooked tomato products.

The benefits of lycopene have been linked to many different kinds of diseases and conditions. Individuals take lycopene supplements – or simply drink a big glass of tomato juice – for a variety of reasons, including preventing heart disease, atherosclerosis and several forms of cancer including prostate, lung, breast, bladder, ovarian, colon and pancreatic cancers. It also is used in treating active human papilloma virus (HPV) infection, which can lead to cervical or uterine cancer if it does not clear itself. Lycopene even has been used for cataracts and asthma.

How It Works

Lycopene is vigorous antioxidant. As such, it may protect cells from damage by free radicals. Researchers believe that lycopene breaks down to several other compounds and that it may have more and greater effects than only as an antioxidant.


Though there have been several studies reporting glowing results from treating various cancers with lycopene, there is much variation in the results that researchers gain from their studies. Some research shows a link between lycopene consumption and prostate cancer but other research shows none at all. Lycopene also appears to vary in effectiveness according to the type of cancer being treated. As example, research appears to indicate that lycopene helps to prevent ovarian cancer among young women but does not affect the likelihood of developing bladder cancer.

Why It May Be Effective against Prostate Cancer

There has been much research into lycopene’s effect on prostate cancer. Results have been greatly mixed but where they have been strong, they have been very strong. In one study, patients with benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH) and had been scheduled for removal of the enlarged prostate ate meals containing tomato sauce each day for three weeks. Other patients scheduled for the same surgery provided a control group and did not use lycopene. After three weeks, the experimental group exhibited much lower prostate-specific antigen (PSA) levels than the control group and had experienced significant cancer cell death in prostate tissue.


Quercetin is a flavonoid plant pigment found in a wide variety of plants and foods. Foods high in quercetin include onions, apples, green tea, berries, Ginkgo biloba and St. John’s wort. Red wine also contains high levels of quercetin. Quercetin is used for treating and preventing conditions and diseases associated with the circulatory system as well as diabetes, asthma, chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), cataracts, peptic ulcer, hay fever, schizophrenia, gout and inflammation. It is used as a cancer preventative and it is used to treat chronic prostate infection. Athletes also use quercetin to improve athletic performance and increase physical endurance.

Quercetin has strong antioxidant capabilities. Antioxidants collect the free radicals that, left unchecked, can damage cell membranes, alter DNA and even cause the death of individual cells. Antioxidants neutralize those free radicals and help to protect cells from the damage they can inflict.

How It Works

Quercetin is a strong antioxidant. It also has anti-inflammatory properties. Both of those qualities can make it useful for treating prostate inflammation, and inflammation has been shown to be a forerunner of several types of cancer. Inflammation causes an increase in a substance that inhibits development of the proteins that are involved in repairing DNA. Gene mutations increase when DNA cannot be repaired and those gene mutations contribute to the initiation and development of cancer. It appears that quercetin attacks the free radicals that otherwise could attack healthy cells while it also inhibits inflammation. Quercetin may deliver a two-prong attack on conditions that can lead to prostate enlargement and prostate cancer.


Of all of the conditions and diseases it is used for, quercetin appears to be most effective for treating the pain and swelling caused by an enlarged prostate. Quercetin’s action against swelling likely results from its ability to combat inflammation. Taking quercetin supplements orally appears to improve quality of life as it reduces the pain of an enlarged prostate. Virtually all men with enlarged prostates have difficulty urinating and it appears that quercetin does not alleviate that issue in men whose prostate issues are unrelated to infection.

There are several conditions that quercetin may improve but cannot be said absolutely to be positively affected by quercetin supplementation. As example, there is research that indicates that eating quercetin-rich foods can reduce elderly men’s risk of death from heart disease but there also is research suggesting that a daily quercetin supplement has no effect in terms of heart disease. Presently, there is need for more research into the issue.

The same is true for quercetin’s effect on low density – “bad” – cholesterol and on high blood pressure. Though quercetin has been seen to result in small improvements in otherwise untreated high blood pressure, the effect is very small.

Quercetin may have some beneficial effect on other conditions, including exercise-induced respiratory infection, kidney transplantation, lung cancer and pancreatic cancer, especially among men who smoke. More research evidence needs to be collected before making definitive statements about the other conditions and diseases that may be positively affected by quercetin.

Why It May Be Effective against Prostate Cancer

It is likely that quercetin’s positive effect on inflammation is the leading quality that improves conditions associated with an enlarged prostate. Its beneficial effect against free radicals likely directly affects the development of the cancer cells that cause and create prostate cancer.
